Power: 20Watt (hybrid) | Tube: one 12AX7 (preamp) | Controls: Gain, shape, volume | Impedance: 8 16 ohms | Headphone out with CabSim circuit | Carrying handle Micro Dark 20W Tube Hybrid Amp Head....
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[converted from eur currency] https://www.gear4music.fr/fr/guitare-and-b...
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Bax Music FR
[converted from eur currency] France https://www.bax-shop.fr/tete-ampli-guitare...
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Musique shop
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RiverCity Music Store
[converted from usd currency] Oregon https://rocksalem.com/products/orange-micr...
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[converted from usd currency] California https://avlgear.com/products/orange-micro-...
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Big Dude's Music City
[converted from usd currency] Missouri https://www.bigdudes.com/orange-micro-dark...
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Music & Arts
[converted from usd currency] Maryland https://www.musicarts.com/orange-amplifier...
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Heid Music
[converted from usd currency] Wisconsin https://www.heidmusic.com/orange-micro-dar...
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Heid Music Co
[converted from usd currency] Wisconsin https://heidmusic.com/orange-micro-dark-te...
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Alamo Music Center
[converted from usd currency] Texas https://www.alamomusic.com/orange-micro-da...
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Musicians Friend
[converted from usd currency] https://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers...
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The Music Den
[converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://themusicden.com/orange-amps-micro-...
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George's Music
[converted from usd currency] Pennsylvania https://www.georgesmusic.com/orange-md20-m...
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Uncle Ike's Music and Sound
[converted from usd currency] Iowa https://www.uncleikes.com/p-2387-orange-mi...
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[converted from usd currency] New York https://www.adorama.com/ormicrodark.html?r...
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Boothe Music
[converted from usd currency] Utah https://boothemusic.com/products/orange-mi...
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[converted from usd currency] https://www.americanmusical.com/orange-mic...
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[converted from usd currency] Illinois https://reverb.com/p/orange-micro-dark?hfi...
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Guitar Center
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[converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.zzounds.com/item--oramtdark?si...
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CGS Musique
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Michel Musique
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[converted from eur currency] France https://kytary.fr/orange-micro-dark/hn1621...
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Musik Produktiv FR
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Star's Music
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[converted from eur currency] Germany https://www.thomann.de/fr/orange_micro_dar...
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[converted from pln currency] Poland https://www.muziker.pl/orange-micro-dark
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thomann.de (UK)
[converted from gbp currency] Germany https://www.idealo.co.uk/relocator/relocat...
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Jubal Store
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[converted from inr currency] India https://avjunction.in/product/orange-micro...
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Power: 20Watt (hybrid) | Tube: one 12AX7 (preamp) | Controls: Gain, shape, volume | Impedance: 8 16 ohms | Headphone out with CabSim circuit | Carrying handle
Micro Dark 20W Tube Hybrid Amp Head. After much player demand, Orange is building on both its diminutive Micro series and high-gain Dark series with the aptly named Micro Dark. It has more gain than the original Micro Terror, and it's smaller than the Dark Terror, an awesomely potent combination. This 20W hybrid head comes loaded with a single 12AX7 preamp tube for authentic tube overdrive, paired with a bullet-proof solid-state power section and stuck in a package that can fit in the glove box of a car. The end result is a deceptively loud head that's bursting forth with high-gain Orange tone. The controls are simple as can be. With just three knobs - volume, shape and gain - it's unbelievely easy to dial in your tone. The shape control varies the midrange response along with the bass and treble, so rotating it to the left will add mids and smooth the highs, while a twist right will reduce the mids and brighten the tone. And one twist of the gain knob will show that, despite its adorable stature, this thing is no novelty. It cranks out serious, high-gain, face-melting tone at volumes that'll leave you shocked. Further building on...
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